Have we met?

I’m Molly and I am so happy you stopped by.
I’m a child of the North, raised in the small, but mighty kingdom of Denmark. I left the gloomy, gorgeous corner of Europe to be with my darling Wesley in golden California. Together we founded a family of three – baby Elliot completes the picture for now.
As a family we follow Jesus and answer to God for our lives.
Additionally, I am a lover of the road and written word, of hygge, homemade bread and evening walks.
I exist in the wonderful tension of mothering a little child while praying big for the days ahead.
In this space, I preach contentment to myself and find genuine joy in the sparkle of the ordinary.

Meet my book!

Not Just An Idea

Since I was a little girl I wanted to write. This debut memoir made the dream came true and I got to tell my favorite story – the story of me and my husband!

Not Just an Idea is the tale of two young travelers asking God to guide their romance – a request that God answered by writing an incredible, adventurous love story. Come along as Wesley and I journey across seven nations and many obstacles in pursuit of God’s voice – and each other.

(eBook and paperback available)