
Out, about, Asia, more airplanes and the cold air of the north hit me before I even realized that six months had passed by and DTS was over. But I hit the ground running. I drank a cup of coffee with my mum, hugged my little sister and got swept up in a whirlwind that took me back to LA, and once again 12 weeks went by unbelievably fast. Nine months on the other side of the planet was my first experience of moving out. It felt strange, I felt foreign, but my father took me on this long trip and it has been incredible. By now I do feel a little trapped between two worlds. Homeless in some way, yet I know that home is where He is, which is… everywhere.
I can’t help but take a deep breath and laugh a little bit. I spent years asking Him if there wasn’t more to life, and He for sure answered me loudly. He’s been so good to me. I actually can’t believe I just did SOMD.

Over the course of these three months God has taught me what it looks like to wear His armor. In the very beginning we did urban plunge where I had such a breakthrough in boldness and trust in the Lord. Ever since I haven’t really feared going on outreach and talking to strangers. I’ve had experiences where God really shared His heart for the lost with me. Almost every week I learned something that honed my way to approach people and initiate a conversation about Jesus. He brought me back, to send me out which is all I ever wanted.

The theme of the base this semester was “rooted” and that has been so accurate in my case. Unpacking the things that God taught me in DTS and learning to stand firm on the truth even though I’m not necessarily feeling it has been so healthy. Stepping out in conversation with crazy people at Venice beach, talking to muslims without fear and feeling rooted in the Bible are all things that point in one direction – I’ve been equipped. God dressed me up in his love through so many different things. Getting a hold of the word of God, the story line of the bible, was probably the best part of this school. Even though people can teach me so much about God, only His own word and voice can truly show me who He is. The bible is such an interesting book. It’s so overwhelming, yet the more you read it, the more you want to know it, and the more you understand, the more questions you have. This school definitely had its dry seasons but with rooted as the theme that was to be expected. When trees go through a season without rain their roots grow deeper, searching for water in the ground. And once the roots hit the water source in the ground it also stands more firm. Stability has been my biggest request from the Lord in this program, and diving into the bible head first lead me right to the man who offers living water. The way He answered my prayer surely looked different from I expected, but that’s what’s so fun about a living God. He’s full of surprises, and they are all for our good and his glory. I used to be afraid the future was gonna leave without me, but He told me that He put me in a slingshot to send me out there. I’ll just follow His lead. I know that a little rock in a slingshot once killed a giant.


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